Why We Love the Framer Motion API for Next-Level Website Animations
Published November 28, 2022 by Grant Walton
Creating a website that’s well-designed, functional, and aesthetically pleasing is challenging if you don’t have the right tools for the job. Tools like Framer Motion allow you to craft a website that matches the quality of your brand. Framer Motion is a motion library that can be paired with the React JavaScript library to make your website appear more interactive.
Modern consumers tend to ignore websites that aren’t interactive or don’t offer anything unique. If a web page is static and filled with copious amounts of written content, most users will leave. Because of how important an online presence is to most businesses, these companies are taking every step they can to increase online attention. In many cases, these steps involve adding fun animations or interesting copywriting techniques to the website.
Framer Motion gives you the tools you need to create site elements that automatically stand out and add dynamic movements to your website. With the introduction of Framer Motion to the React library, it’s possible to create animations without writing nearly as much code. This guide goes into detail about why you should use the Framer Motion tool and the benefits you can derive from it.
What is Framer Motion?
Framer Motion is a feature-rich animation library that’s designed specifically to make it easier to create animations. The simple API that the tool is based on allows animators and developers to abstract all of the complexities surrounding animations, which ensures that these animations are made more efficiently.
Even though Framer Motion is used with the React library, it’s meant to improve and refine the library instead of providing an entirely new one. This animation tool was made after the Pose tool, which was among the most popular libraries that was paired with React. Just like Pose, Framer Motion is built on Popmotion, which is a kind of low-level animation library that delivers the abstractions that power Framer Motion.
The Framer Motion tool further simplifies the Pose API. The primary difference between Pose and Framer Motion is that the former supports Vue and React Native. In comparison, Framer Motion only supports React. Despite the extra level of support available with Pose, Framer Motion is considerably more powerful.
Why Use Framer Motion?
Over the years, there have been many websites that have been built with the assistance of Framer Motion. These websites are:
- Instaprice
- Astro NFT Everdome
- Stellar Development
- Nike corporate website
- Lark
- Leap
Nearly every type of website can benefit from Framer Motion.
While many animation libraries already use spring-based animations to accommodate modern sensibilities, Framer Motion goes a step above by providing developers with a useful API that’s simple and doesn’t add extra code to your components.
In many situations, it’s possible to replace an HTML element on your website with a motion element, which leads to the same markup but includes extra props for animation. Because of how basic the Framer Motion API is, adding animations to your website doesn’t take hours of work.
Framer X
Framer X is a prototyping tool that Framer Motion uses to streamline the process of creating amazing and powerful animations. Most designers have been in scenarios where they spend an ample amount of time refining every aspect of a design only to lose what made the design unique once it moves from prototyping to development. With Framer X, you can use the exact same library in the prototyping stage as well as the production stage.
Types of Animations in Framer Motion
There are many different types of animation that can be created in Framer Motion. The tool scales to meet the complexity of your animation needs.
Simple Animations
The majority of animations that are made with Framer Motion have the “animate” prop. If one of the values changes, the overall component immediately animates to the new target.
Framer Motion automatically produces a transition animation based on the values that are being animated. Physical properties such as scale or X are animated with a spring simulation.
On the other hand, values like color and opacity are animated with a tween animation that goes between different keyframes. You have the ability to define the various animation types by placing the default transition in the “transition” prop.
Enter Animations
When you first develop a motion component, it will instantly animate to the different values present in “animate” in the event that those values differ from the ones defined in “initial” or “style”. The “initial” prop can be set to false if you’d like to disable these animations.
Exit Animations
When you use React without Framer Motion, any component that’s removed from the coding tree will be instantly removed. In comparison, Framer Motion includes an “AnimatePresence” component that keeps any components in the DOM as an exit animation is performed.
The values that you place in “animate” can be set as keyframes, which will animate each value in sequential order. The current value can be used as the first keyframe with the inclusion of a wildcard keyframe known as “null”. In the event that the keyframe animation begins while the value is animating, the transition should be much more natural. There’s also very little risk of duplication with your code.
Unless you make changes to your code, every keyframe is spaced out evenly within the animation. It’s possible to bypass this by including the “times” option with transition. The “times” code is a type of array that has the same length as your keyframes array. Any number between 0-1 defines where the keyframe is placed in the animation.
Gesture Animations
Framer Motion provides users with numerous shortcuts that can be used when animating to a specific set of values. These gestures include:
- Tap
- Drag
- Focus
- InView
- Hover
These gestures are written as whileFocus= or whileHover=. By placing these instructions in your coding, you’ll be able to set what values you animate back to once the gestures come to an end.
Using “animate” as a kind of object is helpful when creating single-component animations. If, however, you want to make animations that are able to propagate at all times of the DOM, the animations must be orchestrated with the use of variants.
A variant is a set of targets that has already been defined. You can use the “variants” prop to pass these into motion components. You can also define variants with the “variant” label.
When motion components have children, any change to the variant is sent down into the entire component hierarchy until one of the children components has an entirely new “animate” property.
The default setting in Framer Motion is for your animations to begin at the same time. When you use variants, you’ll be given access to many additional transition props to use in your animation, which include options like “staggerChildren” and “delayChildren”. With these props, the parents are able to effectively orchestrate what happens with the child animations.
Dynamic Variants
Every variant you include in your coding is able to be defined as a separate function that will resolve when the variant is first accessed. All functions have just one argument, which you can set with the “custom” prop.
Multiple Variants
Some of the props mentioned previously, such as “whileHover” and “animate”, can define at least one variant if you pass a string or a complete array of strings. When variants define the exact same values, the variants that show up in the latter portions of the array are given first priority.
What Are The Benefits of Framer Motion?
There are huge benefits that anyone who uses Framer Motion gains access to, which include everything from the ability to make natural animations to the intuitive nature of this tool.
It’s Extremely Intuitive
This tool is highly intuitive and easy to use regardless of your animation or coding skills. It also has seamless integration with React.
Natural Animations
By animating the right properties, it’s possible for designers to create natural animations that fit well into any site design.
Event Listeners
This feature provides advanced listeners and extends the standard set of event listeners that are available through React.
Gesture Detection
The gesture detection feature provides users with instant support for drag, pan, hover, and tap gesture detection, which makes it easier to create fantastic animations.
Advance Animations
The Framer X tool available with Framer Motion provides designers with the features needed to create advanced animations. This tool comes with a 14-day free trial.
If you want to be certain that your target audience is provided with a sleek and modern website, the Framer Motion tool can help you and other designers on your team make stylish animations with some basic code that practically anyone can write. If you already use React, Framer Motion streamlines this library.
The Importance of Website Animations for User Engagement
In today’s digital age, user engagement is paramount for the success of websites. One way to captivate and retain visitors’ attention is through website animations. Animations bring life and interactivity to web pages, making the browsing experience more enjoyable and memorable. Whether it’s subtle hover effects, smooth transitions, or eye-catching visual elements, animations can make your website stand out.
Animations serve several essential purposes on websites. They provide visual cues, guiding users to important content or actions. They create a sense of responsiveness, letting users know their interactions are recognized. Animations also convey information efficiently, making complex processes more understandable. Furthermore, they enhance storytelling, helping to communicate a brand’s message.
In summary, animations aren’t just decorative elements but powerful tools for engaging users, improving user experience, and conveying information. When used thoughtfully and purposefully, animations can significantly impact a website’s success.
Enhancing Understanding with Visual Aids in Web Content
Visual aids play a crucial role in enhancing the understanding of web content. They provide visual context and break up text-heavy pages, making information more accessible and engaging for readers. Here’s why incorporating visual aids is essential for compelling web content:
Illustrating Concepts: Visual aids like diagrams and charts can help explain complex concepts. They provide a visual representation that reinforces the text, making it easier for readers to grasp the subject.
Increasing Engagement: Visuals, including images and infographics, capture readers’ attention and encourage them to continue reading. They break up long blocks of text, preventing content from appearing overwhelming.
Improving Retention: People tend to remember visual information better than text alone. Visual aids help readers retain essential knowledge and concepts, enhancing the educational value of your content.
Enhancing Accessibility: Visual aids can make content more accessible to a broader audience, including those with visual impairments. Alt text and captions for images ensure everyone can benefit from your visual content.
Conveying Data: When presenting data or statistics, visual aids like graphs or charts can make the information more understandable. Visual representations allow readers to grasp trends and patterns quickly.
Incorporating visual aids requires choosing visuals that align with your content’s purpose and message. Whether you’re explaining a complex process, sharing statistics, or simply adding visual interest, well-chosen visuals can elevate your web content and improve the overall user experience.
Showcasing Real-World Examples of Effective Website Animations
Website animations can enhance user experience and leave a lasting impression on visitors. To understand their potential, let’s explore some real-world examples of websites that have effectively leveraged animations:
Disney+: Disney’s streaming platform, Disney+, uses animations to entertain and navigate users through its extensive content library. The platform employs subtle hover effects and smooth transitions to create an immersive and enjoyable browsing experience.
Stripe: The payment processing company Stripe uses animations to simplify complex processes. When users interact with Stripe’s interface, they encounter animations that guide them through tasks like setting up payments or viewing transaction histories, making the platform user-friendly and intuitive.
Apple: Apple’s website is known for its sleek and visually appealing design, which includes animations that showcase its products. Animations on Apple’s site demonstrate product features, making it easier for customers to understand their offerings.
Airbnb: Airbnb uses animations to improve user engagement and trust. Their calendar feature employs animations to show date selections and availability, ensuring users have a seamless booking experience.
Medium: The blogging platform Medium employs animations to enhance storytelling. Animations are used to reveal content as readers scroll down, creating a dynamic and captivating reading experience.
These real-world examples highlight how animations can be applied to various aspects of web design, from navigation to user onboarding and product showcasing. By drawing inspiration from these successful implementations, web designers and developers can harness the power of animations to create memorable and user-friendly websites.
Using Code Samples to Demonstrate Framer Motion Animations
Framer Motion, a powerful animation library for web development, simplifies the creation of dynamic animations. To understand how it works, let’s delve into some code samples that demonstrate Framer Motion animations:
import { motion } from "framer-motion";
const App = () => {
return (
initial={{ opacity: 0, x: -100 }}
animate={{ opacity: 1, x: 0 }}
transition={{ duration: 1 }}
Welcome to Framer Motion!
export default App;
In this example, we import the motion component from Framer Motion. We then create a motion.div element and specify initial and animate properties. The initial property defines the component’s initial state (hidden), and the animate property defines the target state (visible). We also set a transition duration of 1 second.
This code snippet creates a smooth animation where the element fades in and slides in from the left when the component mounts.
import { motion } from "framer-motion";
const Button = () => {
const variants = {
hover: { scale: 1.1 },
tap: { scale: 0.9 },
return (
Click Me!
export default Button;
In this example, we define animation variants for a button component. When hovered over, the button scales up (1.1x); when tapped, it scales down (0.9x). These animations are defined using the variants object and applied with whileHover.
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